

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2021年11月16日星期二

Investing in rental property is one of the best decisions you can ever make, 在像圣地亚哥这样利润丰厚的地区尤其如此! 除了稳定的收入来源, 租赁物业所有权包括税收优惠和, 如果处理得当, 让你的投资价值随着时间的推移而增加的安全感. 

Renting out a property, however, is more than just purchasing a home and finding a tenant to fill it. 您的财产必须遵守当地和州法律, 它必须全年维护, 你房客的需求必须尽快解决. This can be stressful and frustrating to someone without experience. 这时就需要物业经理了! 他们可以处理 所有这些任务 所以你什么都不用担心. 

那么,业主应该在物业十大赌博信誉网站公司寻找什么呢? 20多年来 圣地亚哥物业十大赌博信誉网站 行业方面,北国置业集团有指导帮助! 


We’ve compiled a few qualifications that should guide 圣地亚哥 property owners when looking for a property management company. 它们如下: 


Property management is a specialized field that requires technical 专业知识 for it to be effective. A qualified property management company will save you both time and money while reducing stress. Some companies may claim they have what it takes to manage your property, but what guarantees this is professional licenses and certifications.


There are three top designations by our industry associations that you can look for. 这些是住宅十大赌博信誉网站专业人员(RMP®), 高级物业经理(MPM®), 和认证住宅十大赌博信誉网站公司(CRMC®).

说到北郡地产集团, we’re the only Certified 居民ial 十大赌博信誉网站 Company (CRMC) in 圣地亚哥县, 加州仅有的四所之一, 全国只有不到50个! 

To receive this certification, a property management company must meet a few requirements:

  1. 他们至少十大赌博信誉网站了500个单位

  2. The property management company must be led by a Master Property Manager 

  3. They must be a consistently top-ranking property management company in their geographic area 

北县物业集团符合所有这些要求, as determined by the National Association of 居民ial Property Managers.


Your property management company needs to have experience in handling 租户筛选, 维护请求以及各种各样的财产问题. They also need to have experience handling your particular type of property. 经验 in handling commercial properties, for example, is not the same as residential properties.

北国地产集团 has over 20+ years managing residential properties in 圣地亚哥! Our team has experience in the successful management of single-family homes, 多户型住宅, 还有度假租赁.


作为房东,你投资房产有几个原因. 这可能是因为你正在使你的投资组合多样化, 希望赚取稳定的租金收入, 或者建立你的股权. This can be best achieved when having long-term tenants on your residential property. 


北国地产集团 makes use of a comprehensive 租户筛选 过程 that has been refined over the years. We look into credit scores, eviction histories, criminal records, and employment verification. Evictions are rare as we only find the best tenants for your rental properties!


A client base shows a company’s successes in the property management industry. It also guarantees that the company has ties to the local community. You can ask the property manager for references in the area to confirm pertinent information.  

北国地产集团 has a solid, local client base which we have built over the years. There’s no company in the 圣地亚哥 area with a better standing than us! 除了我们与业主的良好合作历史之外, 我们与当地的承包商和勤杂工也有密切的联系. 这样,你也可以享受更实惠的价格!


深受圣地亚哥业主的信赖和信赖, we’ve been offering quality property management services for the past 20+ years. 满足并超越客户的期望, 我们提供广泛的服务,以满足他们的所有需求. 这些包括: 


The success of your investment in 圣地亚哥 real estate depends on the quality of the tenants leasing the space. 问题房客是指不按时交房租的人, 可能会损坏您的财产, 也不和其他邻居和睦相处. 


As we’ve mentioned, 北国地产集团 performs extensive background checks in our 租户筛选 过程. We can rent your property to the best tenants that 圣地亚哥 has to offer!


准时的 收取租金 全额全额是您租赁房产的生命线. 你要用租金收入来维持房产, 增加你的财务, 并履行你的其他财务义务.

在北方地产集团, 我们会处理你所有物业的租金收取事宜, from sending out reminders of rent due dates to following up with rent defaulters. 我们是您的房地产合作伙伴, you won’t have to deal with the hassle of chasing down tenants for your monthly rent. 我们高效的系统保证你每次都能按时拿到报酬. 


房客可以在白天或晚上的任何时间来访. 这些问题需要你立即关注和照顾. 同时努力满足你的 对租客的义务, you might feel stressed and tired due to how much it can take of your time. 

Hiring 北国地产集团 gives you the time to enjoy the benefits of property leasing in 圣地亚哥. You can have peace of mind knowing that your tenants’ every demand is handled with care. Now you know why we are the leading property management company in 圣地亚哥! 


Every landlord wants to have their property rented out throughout the year. 这意味着他们每个月享有最高的租金收入.


北国地产集团 makes use of an aggressive marketing solution. Our team ensures that your vacant property gets maximum reach to all potential renters in the area. We have ties with hundreds of syndication partners to post your property listing on many rental websites and social media platforms. 

Additionally, we market all our listings in the 圣地亚哥 美国职业足球大联盟 system. 这种方式, we network with other brokers and place your property on a variety of national 房地产经纪人 branded sites and thousands of individual agent websites! 你的出租房产会得到最好的曝光.


As our client, your property and the tenants renting it are our top priority. 经验丰富的专业团队 北国地产集团 is committed to offering you quality services that exceed your expectations!

我们足智多谋, 专业知识, 和奉献精神, you are bound to enjoy all the benefits that come with property ownership and leasing! Reach out to us today and learn more about how we can best help you and your financial goals.  


