

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2021年5月17日星期一

How much should a landlord expect to spend keeping their home maintained? 

It's a common question and there are some rules of thumb and considerations that owners of rental properties can keep in mind when setting aside reserves to handle unexpected repairs.

作为业主, it can be impossible to predict what maintenance your rental property will require, 以及维修费用是多少. 但有一件事是肯定的——当你决定当房东的时候, you need to have reserve funds set aside for maintenance work.

毕竟, you need to have a buffer for the unexpected so that repairs don’t lead to the failure of your investment property. It’s a good idea to decide on a fixed amount of the monthly rent you collect that can be used to cover expense items when they pop up. 

你可能还想找一个 物业十大赌博信誉网站公司 谁能代表你进行维修, and who will have experiencing negotiating the best rates on repair work. 

While maintenance-related expenses can be hard for property owners to predict, there are certain guidelines and rules of thumb that many landlords adhere to when it comes to planning how much they may have to spend. 下面,您将获得这些指导方针的完整概述.



This popular rule says that 1% of the purchase price of your home should be set aside each year for ongoing maintenance. 

使用这个逻辑, 如果你的房子价值45万美元, you should set $375 a month for expected home maintenance and anticipate about $4500 in repair 成本 during the year.


Another practical approach is to budget $1 per square foot for 年度保养及维修 成本.

This rule is slightly more consistent than the 1% rule because it's directly related to the size of the home. 记住, 然而, that market prices for contractors and building materials can vary significantly from region to region. 

使用这个逻辑, 如果你有一个3000平方英尺的房子, you should set aside $250 a month or $3000 per year in anticipation of needed maintenance.


This is a common sense approach for owners to set aside between 10-15% of 主人分布 收到用于正在进行的和意外的维护目的. 

使用这个逻辑, 如果你的房子租金是3美元,000 /月, you should be setting aside $300 - $450 a month for expected repairs. 


一种对冲的方法是混合使用各种方法. 使用这个逻辑, you would calculate all of the previous three rules of thumb (1% rule, 平方尺尺, 和租金规则),然后平均计算.  

Regardless of your method for estimating annual maintenance 成本, some conservative landlords might then add 10% for each factor such as age of the home, 天气, 总体情况, 等. 

It is reasonable to expect that an older home in harsh 天气 will need that extra attention to maintenance.


Using the above methods can be a solid way of estimating the maintenance 成本 for your rental property. 

每年把你财产价值的1%存起来, 或者每年每平方英尺1美元, 或10-15%的业主分配, 或者是三个量的平均值, 你大大减少了被猝不及防的机会. 

But there are other factors that can influence how much maintenance ends up costing you. 

First of all, the age of your property can be a major factor. You can expect a building that’s more than a couple decades old to require maintenance in excess of what’s required from a brand new building. 

有一个古老的财产, it may be difficult for contractors to find replacement parts, or the property may have been built in a way that is now time-consuming and difficult to work on. 

另一方面, 而较新的房产需要的维护要少得多, 在新的办公室里完成工作可能会更昂贵, 高档公寓比简陋的老房子要好. 

Other factors that can have a surprisingly large impact on the cost of maintenance and upkeep include the 天气 in the area your property is located in, 以及当地承包商的市场价格, 这可能差别很大. 

材料成本 can fluctuate and have a large impact on your bottom line as well. 例如, in many parts of North America there’s currently a shortage of lumber that has driven prices to historic highs. 

If you need to have work completed that requires lumber—such as having a damaged deck redone—you could expect to pay more than the rules above stipulate. 

It’s for this reason that many landlords who own properties that may require extra maintenance may decide to add 10% to the amounts above.


Whatever method you choose to use in order to predict and prepare for maintenance 成本, the most important thing is to be aware of potential issues that can emerge so that you aren’t caught off guard. 

A central rule for successful real estate investments is that it’s more affordable to perform regular preventative maintenance than it is to pay for urgent repairs.

Beyond the maintenance expenses associated with normal wear and tear and 天气 conditions, in certain unfortunate circumstances it can be the case that through negligence or by accident your tenants cause unexpected damage to your property that requires repair. 

While you’ll be able to mitigate the risk of such expenses by creating comprehensive leases that outline the responsibilities of each party, 并收取损坏保证金, you still may find that particular tenants seem to request more upkeep than others. 

In addition, problem tenants can cause further expenses, such as eviction 成本, 为新租户准备和营销单位等等. For that reason, many landlords in the 圣地亚哥 area decide to enlist the help of a 专业物业十大赌博信誉网站公司 代表他们处理十大赌博信誉网站工作.


