
Why 圣地亚哥 Property Owners Need Absentee 十大赌博信誉网站 服务


空置的房产易受攻击. 它可能成为罪犯和机会主义者的目标. It also raises the risk of damage and deferred maintenance. 没有人住在家里, you won’t know when a leak has begun or an appliance has broken down. 

If you have a home in 圣地亚哥 that is not consistently occupied or you know you’re going to be away from home for a while, you should consider working with a company that provides absentee management services. This will protect your home and provide you with plenty of peace of mind while you’re away from your property. 


An absentee homeowner is someone who owns a property but does not live there full time. Or, it could be someone who owns a property but doesn’t live there at all. 缺席房主的一些例子包括:

  • Homeowners who have inherited a house but choose not to live in it. 

  • Someone who has moved to another city, state, or country, without first selling the house they own.

  • Homeowners who use their property as a vacation home periodically throughout the year but don’t live in it 100 percent of the time.

Maybe you’re not renting out your property even though it’s vacant because you have other plans for it or you know you’ll need it eventually or you just don’t want to have tenants living in your home. 

不管你为什么不在家, you still have the right of ownership to an asset that’s increasing in value. 保护这些资产很重要. 



It really depends on the company that’s providing them and the specific needs of you and your property. 通常,您可以期待以下内容. 

  • 财产演练

We walk through your property once a week to ensure everything functions and looks good. We’ll check the heating and cooling systems, test the appliances, and inspect your windows and doors. We’ll look for evidence of pests and we’ll track down the origin of any strange odors. We’ll also check external security and make sure the locks, 灯, 所有的警报器和摄像头都在工作. 

  • 为您的到来做准备

You want to know your home will be ready for you when you do come back. 缺勤十大赌博信誉网站计划可以做到这一点, and your property managers will make sure the 灯 are on, 暖气或空调设置好了, 房子很舒适,随时可以入住. 

  • 作为紧急联系人 

Your absentee management team will be the point of contact if there’s an emergency at your home or if an immediate response is needed due to an occurrence in the neighborhood. 

Any additional services for your property can also be arranged for you through an absentee management company. For example, we can oversee maintenance work or renovations. It’s a good time to make some upgrades and improvements when your home is empty. We can oversee the landscaping services you may have in place and keep up with any pool 清洁ing that may be required. 

无人居住的房子不必引起关注. We know you have constraints and challenges when you’re trying to care for a property from far away. Absentee management services ensure your home is in good condition, 清洁, 你不在的时候很安全. 

Prices and plans will depend on the size of your property and its needs. But, there are never any long-term contract requirements or messy breakups. We’ll manage your property in your absence as long as you need us to, and when you’re back home - we’ll support you in whatever way we can and then wait for you to call us back.



Why should you invest in an absentee management program for your home? 如果你只离开一两个月, 你的家看起来会很好. 

It probably will be, but that home is worth a lot of money. 你真的想冒这个险吗? 

With an absentee management program, you get peace of mind, property protection, and expert advice.

  • 放心,你的家很安全

Without anyone living in your home, it could be a target for thieves, burglars, and vandals. 作为圣地亚哥的物业经理, we have heard about appliances, wiring, and furniture being stolen from empty homes. 我们听说过关于擅自占用者的恐怖故事. When you’re going to be away from your home for an extended period of time, 确保它看起来不是空的. 让灯一直亮着,让草保持绿色. Have your absentee managers visit from time to time to make sure nothing looks amiss. 

  • 保护您财产的状况和价值 

Another benefit to our program is that you won’t come home to a flooded kitchen or broken windows or a hole in the roof. 家里没人的时候什么事都可能发生. 一场突如其来的风暴可能会把树撞穿篱笆. The water heater could explode or some enterprising mice could chew through a sewer line. 如果几周或几个月过去了,这些事情才被注意到, you’re looking at some big expenses and a lot of 清洁-up. Don’t let your home deteriorate just because it’s not being used 365 days a year. 让专业团队检查一下.

  • 专家建议可以帮助你做出正确的决定 

Your management team might notice that it’s time to replace your smoke detectors. We might see spots on the carpets or walls that are looking worn. 每周都有专家盯着你, you’ll gather some good advice on how to make it look and feel more like home.

If you’d like to hear more about how we can help you maintain and protect your property safely while you’re away from it, 请 十大赌博信誉网站 在北郡地产集团工作. We’re here to meet all of your 圣地亚哥 property management needs. 


