Property Management Blog

Tax Advantages of Real Estate Investing

Bob Preston - Friday, April 21, 2023
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Real estate investing 每月提供稳定和经常性的租金收入, long-term appreciation with properties that grow in value, 还有一个财务基础,可以让你为退休或其他当前和未来的目标做好准备. 

Investing in property also comes with tax benefits. 

如果你还没有注册会计师或财务规划师, you should think about exploring those services. Talk to a San Diego property manager, too. 我们可以确保你能享受到所有的税收优惠. Some of the available deductions may be obvious to you, but there are likely others that you have not considered. 与专业人士在一起可以确保你享受每一种可能的税收优惠,并为你的租赁投资节省资金. 

无论你是在为明年的纳税做准备,还是在考虑是否值得把你的资源投资于出租物业和房地产, 我们想介绍一下作为十大赌博信誉网站可以享受的一些主要的税收优惠. 

总是寻求与你独特的财务状况相关的具体帮助. Every investment portfolio 是不同的,你的税收优惠可能每年都不一样. 

Here’s what we can tell you.

Common Deductions for Rental Property Investments

The income you earn in rent must be declared on your taxes. However, 当你考虑到你作为十大赌博信誉网站所遭受的损失被允许扣除时,你的纳税义务就会减少. 以下是你应该做的最常见的扣减和注销:

  • Deducting Mortgage Interest 

Unless you’ve paid cash for your investment property, you likely have a mortgage on it. 当你出租房产时,你可以扣除你所支付的贷款利息. The interest deduction does not stop there. If you have a credit card, for example, that’s only used to support your real estate business, you can deduct any interest that you pay on that card. 

  • Deducting Property Expenses

想想你为了保持投资物业的运营而花的钱. You’ll have insurance premiums to pay, property management 会计师、律师和房地产经纪人的费用,甚至账单. Those fees are all tax deductible. 

也许你住在州外,你会时不时地去租房子, oversee turnover renovations, or evict a tenant. 这些旅行费用可以作为你报税时的扣除额. 

  • Maintenance Deductions 

你也可以扣除保证你的财产安全和居住所需的钱. 当维修费用很高的时候,你可以在纳税时扣除你的花费. 这使得维修法案带来的冲击更容易控制. 

请记住,虽然维护费用在纳税时可以扣除, 你不能扣除你对房产所做的任何装修或改善. 只有那些解决可居住性的修复才能被注销. 

Depreciation as a Tax Benefit

美国国税局允许业主折旧他们的出租房屋,如果他们符合一些重要的标准. First, you have to be the property owner. 其次,你需要从房产中获得某种收入. Your rental income will qualify. 最后,您必须将该房产用作产生收益的投资至少一年. 如果你在同一年买卖了一套房产,那么你就没有资格在纳税时享受折旧扣除. 

For purposes of your tax deduction, the IRS sets 27.5年作为您的出租物业的有效时间. 你不会用你的购买价格来决定你每年得到多少折旧扣除. 相反,您需要使用成本基础作为您的资产的计算值. 成本基础将包括由于翻新而增加的价值, any debt that the owner takes on from the seller, and other variables. 

你的房产所在的土地也需要进行调整. 而你可以对建筑或房屋本身进行折旧, the land is not included in your depreciation write-off.

Tax Benefits to a 1031 Exchange

1031 Exchange对房地产十大赌博信誉网站来说,最重要的税收优惠之一是1031税. 这个计划允许你推迟你在出售资产时支付的资本利得税, 只要你把收益再投资到另一个产生收益的投资物业. 

With property values growing over the last couple of years, 你现在出售的任何出租房屋都可能带来可观的利润. What will you do with that money? 如果你带着钱离开,你就得交税. 如果你把钱交给一个合格的中介, 您可以使用它来添加另一个属性,甚至多个属性, depending on how much you earn when you sell. 

There are some caveats. 

  • You need to exchange like properties. So, 你可以卖掉一套单户住宅,买一套复式公寓,也可以卖掉一套小公寓楼,买几套共管公寓. You have to sell an income property and buy another income property. 你不能把收益投资于自己的度假屋. 

  • There are strict timelines. 你需要在出售现有房产后的45天内确定一处新房产进行交换. Then, you’ll need to close the deal within 180 days. 

  • You cannot touch the funds from the sale. 您的合格中介将负责将资金从销售转到购买.  

1031纳税申报单不仅是递延纳税的好办法, 而是加强你的投资组合的规模和范围. 

我们总是鼓励十大赌博信誉网站在投资房地产之前咨询他们的注册会计师或税务律师. 你想知道自己的立场,以及在税收方面可以预期的收益和成本. 

如果你想了解如何通过投资租赁房产来节省税收, we’d love to tell you more. Please contact us at North County Property Group.

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