

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2021年3月9日星期二

在一个 最近一集的物业十大赌博信誉网站头脑风暴播客, 北县地产集团's Bob Preston spoke with Niv Davidovich—Managing Partner at Davidovich/Stein Law Group—to discuss landlord/tenant law, 拆迁法律, 以及2019冠状病毒病时代的擅自占用者权利.

One of the main areas of risk when it comes to property management is the possibility of having someone living illegally on your property. 那么,加州的房东该如何有效、合法地处理擅自占用者呢? 以及新法律如何影响加州的驱逐行为?

This blog will give an overview of the new laws California property owners should be aware of. Keep in mind that this discussion is particular to the state of California and that it doesn't constitute legal advice. 如果你想为你的出租房产寻求具体的法律建议, 与法律专家取得联系. 



一个擅自占用者是业主最不愿意看到的. 擅自占用房屋者不向房东支付财产和土地费用, 真正的财产所有者往往不知道这种情况.

根据加州法律,擅自占用房屋者属于自己的一类. Squatters take residence in a property that they generally perceive to not have apparent ownership, 这使非法侵入的标签名誉扫地. 擅自占用者可能会为他们认为被遗弃的财产和土地缴纳财产税, these property taxes ultimately falling into their favor when it comes to adverse possession laws. 

Adverse possession basically means squatters in California may gain the legal rights to owning the property after enough time has passed. 的re are laws in place to facilitate this transition of property ownership to a squatter. 

正如Davidovich解释的那样, 通过租赁而有权住在住所的人, but then stays beyond the specified date may not be considered a squatter by the law. In this situation, they may be considered a "tenant at sufferance" rather than a squatter. 

squatter definition squatters rights squatters rights squatters rights actual possession

A tenant at sufferance generally has the same rights that any other tenant would have. 有租约的房客只要付房租就不能被驱逐, 遵守租约规定的义务, 不要造成滋扰或做非法的事情. 如果他们是正式的租房者,他们有权住在那里. 

然而, 一旦租客的租期(通常是12个月)到期, 他们失去了留在那里的权利. But in this situation they' typically wouldn't be considered a squatter—they're a tenant in sufferance.

如果业主想在这种情况下驱逐租户, 他们有权提前60天通知你然后你才能开始驱逐程序. 

大卫多维奇说,当他想到一个非法占用者, he thinks of a person who has basically taken up residence in a residential premise with absolutely no permission from the property owner. 


《2019年房客保护法—known as AB 1482—contains a concept known as "Just Cause," which restricts evictions.

根据Davidovich的说法, AB 1482 was the law passed in California that essentially created California statewide rent control. This applies to all apartment buildings or multi-family buildings more than 15 years old. 

This law stipulates that property owners cannot evict tenants unless you have "Just Cause" and there's is a long list of what counts as Just Cause. 


As Niv Davidovich explains, there are a few basic circumstances in which landlords have 驱逐加州房客的权利. 主要的三个描述在 《民事诉讼法 (2)、(3)、(4). 让我们来看看这三种理由的区别.

landlord tenant law california squatters rights squatters rights squatters rights squatter squatter

房客不付房租的一种非常简单的情况. 根据Davidovich的说法, 甚至在全球COVID-19大流行之前, the vast majority of evictions that he dealt with were from the simple situation of a renter not paying on time.

接下来,1161(3)是已知的a 治疗或戒烟. That means that a renter is kind of is violating some provision of their lease other than paying the rent. Examples of this would be if tenants were to have more people in their unit than allowed to, 或者不给你钥匙就换了锁.

If tenants have an obligation to pay the utilities and don't, that would be 1161 (3). Another 1161(3) issue that most people don't know about arises if tenants fail to pay late fees.

1161(4)是特殊的,因为它不是一个“支付或退出”或“治疗或退出”的场景. When it comes to 1161 (4) violations, tenants are not given the opportunity to remedy the situation. 这只是一张辞职通知. 在有限的情况下,1161(4)条可以送达, 其中一个是与滋扰有关的问题.

达维多维奇说,大多数情况下,1161是在房客不守规矩的时候供应的. Other instances that require an 1161 (4) include the illegal assignment or sublet of a lease, 或浪费. 

达维多维奇说,垃圾实际上从来没有被使用过 圣地亚哥 area since it means these tenants have done something to the rental property that has caused a permanent loss of value. 


非法活动一般属于第1161(4)条的定义范围。. 例如, in the unfortunate circumstance that a renter is selling drugs on your rental property is an illegal use of the property. 

然而, 正如Davidovich解释的那样, if a renter is using drugs in your property but not selling them out of the property, 你能否把那个人赶出去是值得怀疑的, 因为你的出租财产本身不属于违法行为. 你可以看到,这很容易成为法律上的灰色地带. 

squatters rights squatters rights adverse possession adverse possession adverse possession squatters squatters squatters squatter squatter

另一个例子是,如果你的一个房客被发现偷税漏税. Davidovich解释说,虽然这是违法的, 为租户提供1161(4)通知, 它们的违背必须是特定于前提的. 


在住宅租赁物业驱逐的情况下, 大多数租户都会收到三天的通知. 然而, 如果你的租约规定要提前通知, 那你就得遵守租约上的规定. 

An important aspect of the law that recently changed in California is that the required amount of notice for eviction is now three 业务 天. 周末或节假日不计算在内. 

adverse possession squatters rights adverse possession squatter squatter squatter own property taxes

三个工作日过后, 如果居住者没有离开,如果他们没有修复裂痕, 如果他们还没付房租, 不管是什么,那就是你第一天可以提交 非法扣押. “非法拘留者”和“驱逐”是同义词. 

Davidovich解释说,非法拘留是一种诉讼. While some landlords think they can simply go to the courts and get an eviction paper, 但在加州却不是这样. 该通知是强制性的先决条件. 

一旦你发出通知,规定的时间已经过去了, 你必须进入下一步,将非法拘留者提交法院. 然后你就可以把这份通知寄给有问题的房客了. 然后他们有五天的法庭时间来提交某种回应.


通常当人们想到擅自占用者时, they are envisioning a situation in which a person has sneakily taken possession of your property. 擅自占用者未经许可就住在那里. 对业主来说,逆权占有索赔是另一个噩梦, an adverse possession claim meaning the squatters is granted legal ownership of the property after enough time has passed. Squatters and the laws that protect them can be, in brief, a major headache for property owners.

然而, there are plenty of situations in which someone could be living in your property without your full permission or knowledge: such as an illegal sublet, 租约上没有出现的额外居民, 还有租户逾期不租, 也许是在无意中这么做的. 

You can see why it's important to have a team on your side that is well-versed in the laws that govern landlords and tenants in the 圣地亚哥 area. If you're a property owner looking for help with any aspect of your rental property in the 圣地亚哥 area, 与专家团队取得联系 北县地产集团


