
Section 8 Housing in 圣地亚哥

Bob Preston - Thursday, October 21, 2021

通过第8条提供的住房补贴应该是所有物业经理和房东都熟悉的项目. Few property managers and landlords, 然而, 真正理解它是如何工作的,了解这个程序的细节可能更加难以捉摸. 所有圣地亚哥的物业经理和房东都必须接受第8节住房券形式的收入, 截至2020年1月, in the process of screening a tenant's rental application. So what exactly does this mean for your rental properties? 

If you’re uncertain, don’t worry! 北郡物业集团制作了一份指南,帮助您了解第8条以及您在这些法规下的责任.


正如在 Episode 59 of our Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Brainstorm podcast, 该计划通过更广为人知的住房选择券(HCV)计划帮助低收入者找到合适的住房. Ultimately, Section 8 is a type of rental assistance that falls under HCV. 

What Are the Necessary Qualifications for Section 8 Assistance?

Since the program is run by  HUD’s private housing agencies (PHA), 申请住房选择券的程序是通过圣地亚哥住房委员会(SDHC)完成的。. 像这样, 北郡物业集团不确定个人是否有资格获得援助补贴. 

这个项目的申请人必须只在他们想要居住的圣地亚哥社区申请, , even if they don’t currently reside there. 当租客想要获得更好的服务或必须住在亲戚附近以获得交通或儿童照顾时,他们往往会选择一个新的地点. 

In general, Section 8 applicants must fall under one of these categories: 

  • Those who live or work in 圣地亚哥

  • 家庭或个人收入低于他们选择的圣地亚哥县AMI(地区中位数收入)的80%

  • Those in active military duty or veterans

  • Seniors who are 62 years old or above

  • 的人 识别障碍 

  • Families or individuals who are homeless 

同样值得注意的是,一个人或至少一个家庭成员有法律文件. Background checks will be implemented by SDHC to verify their status, in addition to screening for potential criminal records.


Those with a convicted felony may be approved for financial assistance by SDHC, but they cannot be on the lifelong sex offender list, have been convicted of meth production in federal housing, 或在申请前3年因毒品犯罪被驱逐出境. 

70%的租金和水电费由第8条批准的有资格获得住房援助的申请人支付. This is done through vouchers, though the tenant must pay the remaining 30%. 还没拿到代金券, 潜在的申请人必须在最近的公共住房机构注册:圣地亚哥住房委员会(SDHC). 一旦他们收到了代金券,被批准的申请人必须自己寻找住房. 

The home must be in accordance with the voucher’s terms, and the applicant is tasked with doing their own search for a rental property, 查看房屋, as well as the rent and lease negotiations. 一旦这些都解决了, a HUD-associated official will then determine if the selected home, is within the HUD’s chosen price range, meets requirements for condition and livability, and overall meets the guidelines for HUD approval. 

How Does Section 8 Impact Property Managers and 房东s?

Rental applicants cannot be denied on the basis of their Section 8 status alone. 如前所述, 尽管一些物业经理和房东可能会对租给具有第8条身份的人感到谨慎,但第8条必须通过正常的收入与租金比率来计算申请人的收入, consideration is required by law, and there are many benefits to this program for them as well. 

Renting under Section 8 means secure, on-time rent payments each month. 这些租金不能按时支付的风险很小,因为大量的等待名单意味着这些租户将不惜一切代价避免失去第8节的身份. 

另外, while you can’t deny someone for a Section 8 voucher, you are not forced to accept any applicant from this program. You can still implement your normal tenant screening criteria. 

被接受的第8区租户也有额外的福利,比如定期的物业检查, electronic signature software, self-certification for repairs, and a 24/7 online landlord portal. 

How Does Section 8 Work with Income? 

第8节凭证被添加到正常工资和任何其他可能的财政援助来源, which estimates how much the potential tenant can afford. 


影响租户负担能力的因素包括包括或排除公用事业费用, the maximum rent based on zip codes, voucher size (ex: a studio vs 2 bedrooms), 年收入, 家庭规模. 

What Comes After Tenant Rental Application Screening? 

由于政府对其租赁流程的每一步的处理时间,批准的第8条租赁申请人不受通常的租约签署和保证金支付时间限制. It often takes 20-30 days to even reach the inspection stage. 在当前的租赁市场中,这对租户和房东来说都是极具挑战性的,因为房产通常在几天内就租出去了.

What Is the Leasing Process Like for Section 8 Applicants?

在第8条参与者申请租用您的出租物业后获得批准, you have several steps to take when it comes to the leasing process. 它们如下:

1. Request the Tenancy Approval Packet

入住过程从这个包开始,因为它包含了需要返回给学校的表格 SDHC

2. Wait as the SDHC Reviews The Submitted Papers

The above-mentioned paperwork will be reviewed by the SDHC for approval. This is to confirm the following criteria: 

  • The individual or family can afford the rent

  • Nothing goes against the Section 8 program rules

  • State and local laws are being followed

  • 6 months is the minimum initial lease term

  • 租赁协议列出了谁负责某些公用事业和电器 

3. Have Your Rental Unit Inspected

Following approval by the SDHC, your unit will have an inspection, as arranged between you and the SDHC staff. 

section 8 rental unit inspection

这是为了确保您的单位符合第8部分租户的所有健康和安全标准, 哪些是由 房屋署 & 城市发展 (HUD). Tenants should not sign the lease prior to inspection. 

4. Inspection and Documentation 

在SDHC检查您的单位后,最终文件将邮寄给您和您的租户. 您还必须在第一次支付租金之前签署并归还住房援助付款合同/租赁附录.

5. 处理付款流程 

最后,在收到您的文件后,您将从SDHC获得第一笔付款. It’s deposited directly into your account on a monthly basis. These payments will continue as long as you maintain health and safety standards, and the individual or family meets eligibility requirements. 一旦收到付款, the Section 8 tenant can take possession through your normal move-in process.


鉴于第八部分是一项财政援助计划,你可能会被阻止 提高租金 在你的圣地亚哥部队. 事实上, 事实并非如此:你可以要求在正常的加州法律指导下提高租金. 

提高租金的请求必须提交给SDHC,然后SDHC将分析你的单位与该地区类似物业的价格. They also factor in utilities provided, unit quality, location, and unit type. 房屋事务委员会将向物业经理或业主汇报他们的决定. 如果你不喜欢的话, 你可以提交你自己的比较3个类似单位在几英里内你的出租物业的第二次审查. 

物业经理或业主在采用新价格时,必须在60天内向特别房屋委员会和租客发出书面通知. This rent increase can come into effect on the date specified in the notice, 但必须在收到书面通知的60天或之后. 


There you have it, an overview of Section 8 in 圣地亚哥! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by this process, consider hiring an experienced 圣地亚哥 property management company like 北县地产集团. 我们知道第8条的来龙去脉,可以确保整个过程遵循正确的指导方针. 联系 us today to learn more!



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