Property Management Blog


Bob Preston - Monday, February 28, 2022
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When looking to hire a property manager in San Diego, 你应该找一家获得行业认证的公司. 

But what certifications should you look for and what exactly do they mean? 

无论您是经验丰富的十大赌博信誉网站还是刚刚开始作为房东, these are important questions to ask yourself. 

In this blog post, 我们将详细介绍您在雇用圣地亚哥物业经理时应该寻找的证书. 

一个熟练的物业经理会处理你的物业的日常运作, 而且还能帮助你实现投资目标,扩大你的投资组合. 

It is important to understand exactly what a property manager does, 要充分理解为什么与有行业认证支持的公司合作很重要. 

What Is a Property Manager? 

物业经理或物业十大赌博信誉网站公司负责监督出租物业的日常运作. As a property owner, 当你没有时间或经验来亲自十大赌博信誉网站你的租金时,你可能会想雇一个人.  

Generally speaking, 物业经理负责确保出租物业的运营, presentable, and habitable. 

What Do Property Managers Do? 

如果你曾经自我十大赌博信誉网站过房产,那么你就会知道这绝非易事. 十大赌博信誉网站房产是一项繁重的工作,需要处理一系列广泛的责任. 

property manager responsibilities

The following are the typical responsibilities of a property manager: 

  • 通过线上和线下的营销活动来填补空置的出租单位. 

  • Preparing the property for tenancy.

  • Conducting property showings. 

  • Screening prospective tenants on the basis of income level, creditworthiness, rental background, and other criteria. 

  • Drafting the lease agreement and enforcing it during tenancy.

  • Handling repair and maintenance issues. 

  • 根据租赁协议条款进行物业检查. 

  • 确保房产符合州和当地的居住标准. 

  • Determining the rental rate and collecting it when it’s due. 

  • 当租金拖欠时跟进并采取必要的措施. For example, sending the tenant a reminder and/or enforcing a late fee. 

  • Handling the eviction process when it becomes necessary. 

  • Providing customer support to vendors, owners, and tenants. 

  • Providing the owner financial reports on a regular basis. 

  • Ensuring compliance with tenant-landlord laws

What Property Management Certifications Should an Owner Look For?

As you can see, a lot goes into managing a property! 当做你的研究和寻找合适的物业十大赌博信誉网站合作伙伴在圣地亚哥, look for one with the following certifications: 

  • Residential Management Professional (RMP®)

  • Master Property Manager (MPM®)

  • Certified Residential Management Company (CRMC®)


这三个认证都是由全国物业经理协会(NARPM®)颁发的。. Why is this important? NARPM®成立于1988年,是首屈一指的物业经理专业协会. The RMP®, MPM®和CRMC®是NARPM®通过卓越的物业十大赌博信誉网站而授予的称号. 


  • Property Management Certification (PMC®)

任何物业十大赌博信誉网站公司都可以声称他们获得了某种形式的指定认证. Be careful, 并在圣地亚哥寻找具有NARPM®或CAR®官方认证的物业经理.  

Residential Management Professional (RMP®)

NARPM授予致力于教育的物业经理RMP®认证, have extensive experience, and provide service through volunteer activities. 任何拥有RMP®认证的物业经理都表现出了对行业的奉献精神,并通过NARPM®参与了广泛的课程和服务项目. 

Residential Management Professional (RMP®) Requirements:

  • 在两年的时间里,这位物业经理十大赌博信誉网站了至少100扇门

  • 物业经理至少有两年的时间是持牌房地产经纪人

  • 18 hours of NARPM® educational courses have been completed

Master Property Manager (MPM®)



community. MPM®是一个物业经理所能获得的最高级别认证 


top property managers

Master Property Manager (MPM®) Requirements:

  • 在五年的时间里,物业经理至少十大赌博信誉网站了500扇门

  • 物业经理至少五年是持牌房地产经纪人

  • 24 hours of advanced NARPM® educational courses have been completed

Certified Residential Management Company (CRMC®)

获得RMP®和MPM®认证的物业经理已经证明他们具有专业知识和教育水平. CRMC®是颁发给物业十大赌博信誉网站公司,而不仅仅是个人. NARPM® refers to the CRMC® as being the gold standard in the industry. 拥有CRMC®称号的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司已被同行和客户推荐, as well as undergone a detailed examination. NARPM® considers a company’s processes, 系统和法律合规时,考虑到这个高度选择性的指定.

Property Management Certification (PMC®)

RMP®,MPM®和CRMC®是由全国物业经理协会颁发的认证. In San Diego, 找一个拥有加州房地产经纪人协会颁发的物业十大赌博信誉网站证书的经理. PMC®认证是专业知识的标志,因为必须完成课程和考试才能获得认证. 主题包括与十大赌博信誉网站合作、公平住房、房东-房客法等等. 

Bottom Line

Choosing a property manager is no easy task. 你要确保和你一起工作的人是有经验的、受过教育的和专业的. The designations awarded by NARPM® and CAR® will help you to do just that. 

北县物业集团被指定为RMP®,MPM®,CRMC®和PMC®. 您可以相信,我们是知识渊博的,并将把我们的专业知识为您服务. 不仅如此,我们还是圣地亚哥唯一一家被授予CRMC®的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司!

Property owners in San Diego choose North County Property Group for our exemplary and high-end services. Get in touch today to learn more!

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